I’m not eating math!

Since starting this journey I am getting into the habit of looking at the ingredients before I buy food. Recently I have come to a very important conclusion… If I need to google an ingredient or if there is numbers listed I don’t want to buy it. Why should I have to do math with my food? It is crazy that some flavouring number 321 needs to be added to food. I don’t understand! I doubt our grandparents had to worry about numbers in their food.

From now on the only counting I do when buying food will be 1 bunch of celery or 2? I’m done buying food for myself that has numbers listed in the ingredients or some weird chemical name I have to google. It is getting me a little angry that it is ok to sell chemicals that we are supposed to eat! I understand these companies need to make money… but how much money needs to be made at the expense of the health of the human race? The minute we start eating numbers is the minute we start this whole obesity crisis.

What about the numbers on the front of the packet 98% fat free. Now we are into percentages? So we have chemistry and math going into our food. Really? I did general math and I hated chemistry so why am I eating food that required a PHD to produce… I my grandma and her friends didn’t have PHD’s and they made food just fine!

Therefore in my opinion anything that requires chemistry or numbers in the ingredients is not something I want to eat.

I know I could go on and on about this but I think the anger needs to be thrown away. I just wont buy anything for myself that has numbers in it.