Have it in the house!

Over the last two weeks of the Paleo diet I have learned that having the right food in your house is the key to making good choices. I am not and have not been buying anything that I should not be eating, and I have been buying more of the good stuff. Having healthy food / snacks in the house is the only way I have been able to make sure Skeeve and I stay on track.

If I know I am enjoying snacking on beans I make sure they are i the house and ready if I want them. I know Skeeve is liking his snack of a small handful of nuts and a piece of fruit. So I have that in the house too. Don’t have nothing in the fridge or your will walk to the corner store and buy something you shouldn’t.

It is all about preventative measures!

…Thinking Thin

Paleo Orange Cake

I baked a cake this evening!! I used the following recipe Orange Flourless Cake. Now that I’m on this Paleo diet I made it fully paleo. I used coconut sugar and I mixed the almond flour with some coconut flour to change things up a bit. It turned out to be a very high protein cake! It is amazing what you can do with a bit of imagination.

Revelation! Listen to your body!

Over the past couple of weeks I have noticed that my body is trying to tell me things all the time. Through cutting out processed foods I have helped my body find it’s voice again. I have also been noticing that nature has built in portion sizes. For example you are hungry and you eat one banana your body says great thanks! you eat another one it says ok really that was enough. If you continue it says ok fine now you will feel bloated, I warned you!

I am sure that this has been obvious to lot of people for a while. For me this revelation is like a swift kick in the bum. It has been great to finally understand this. It is so much easier when you let your body decide for you!

In the spirit of this new found respect for my body I decided to just go fruits and vegetables for a while to reboot my system. The reason for this being for at least a week now I have had no cravings for anything other than vegetable juice and dates. I have understood this to mean there is something I am not getting enough of and my body is telling me that is vegetables. So I am going with it.

I have never let my body be in control like this before and I am very excited about it. Whoohooo!!

…Thinking Thin

Paleo so far

Since 1st October Skeeve and I decided to go Paleo… very interesting approach fairly common sense. No processed foods, dairy, legumes and grains. Basically meat, fruit, veggies, nuts and seeds. Though, for the first 10 days I had eaten way too much meat and I have been so sluggish and tired on top of that my skin/eczema flared up massively.

Through some research and interview watching I found a couple of people that have been on Juice fasts. Basically this means just fruits and veggies for a while. So I have decided to go with that. At the moment I am drinking vegetable juice and eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Then I will do just a juice fast for one or two weeks then back to eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for a little while. Then slowly introduce meats again. Basically as Joe Cross says “Reboot your system”. Flush out all the crap and start fresh.

This process for the first time takes about 15 days I think 5, 5 & 5. 5 eating and juicing, 5 days juicing, 5 days eating and juicing. Joe himself did a 60 day juice fast which is how he started. I don’t think myself or my household is ready for that yet.

This has all happened since I have decided I am going to listen to my body. It got to the point were I was sweating at the thought of eating meat and gagging when cooking it. So it was fair to say my body didn’t really want it. I will never be a vegetarian or anything I am just taking a little break to give my system a chance to re-aline itself.

In a couple of days I will go to nothing but fruit and veggies. I have always been so obsessed about my weight that I never listened to my body. I figured if the healthy people say eat this then eat it. I totally forgot that not everyone responds to foods the same way.

Anyway so this is where I am at. When my body says I’m hungry I eat, when I don’t want food I don’t eat. When I want vegetable juice I have it. Its great… I am yet to have a craving for pizza or a burger or anything that isn’t within what I am eating right now.

Roll with it.

…Thinking Thin