Pushed Through the Lazy

Today was the first day in 2 weeks that I have felt like I didn’t want to make my veggie juice and my smoothie. I kept thinking about the cleaning up and I really didn’t want to do anything. I was feeling really lazy. However, now I am chowing down on an awesome smoothie… I started by just peeling a yellow grapefruit and kept thinking “you can’t stop now”. I cut the ends off the cucumbers and thought “you can’t stop now”. Anyway I got there.

I think this applies to everything. When I don’t feel like exercising I will put my shoes on and think “can’t stop now”. My own thought process and laziness is my biggest hurdle. I know think is the same for a lot of people. My mum and I have done a lot of “diets” over the years and the biggest thing for us has been that we don’t finish any of them. Weight Watchers used to be a 13 week program. We would usually miss a week around week 7 and not make it past week 10. We did Weight Watchers 3 times. I am much worse than my mum, she has pushed through and now she eats like a bird and looks fantastic. I on the other hand have a different story.

I’ve been on this new journey since June and I have only lost 5kgs. This is because I got uninterested during the middle and travelled for a month. Anyway this kind of follows my normal pattern except I am not stopping at all. I haven’t stopped and put back on all the weight, all I have done is had a pause in the middle.

So for me, this morning when I was making my juice it wasn’t about the juice. I knew if I didn’t do the juice it would be the beginning of the end. So I juiced. Maybe that is too much to put on a juice, but it needed to be done because I’m not going back this time.

We all need a little excitement now and then. Well this is mine!

…Thinking Thin

31 Days of Paleo

About a week ago Skeeve said he wanted to do the Paleo for October. Of course I said that great I will support you 100% so we both started doing research. It really does look like a good way of eating and pretty much what I do anyway but I am not really seeing any results because I am not great at portions and I’m lazy. Having Skeeve go on this diet will force me to be actively creative. I have been trying to find him a natural iced tea he can drink. I’ve been looking into all the recipe books. It has been a lot of fun for us both dreaming up the plans. We have also started walking together in the mornings so that is cool too.

BAM! Monday night we have dinner with the folks… mum says “oh that’s great! Shanti why aren’t you doing it with him?” Then of course I can’t not say sure why not. Anyway so now we are both going paleo for the month of October which for me just means no soy, tofu, coffee, alcohol. Big deal! Anyway it will be lots of fun both of us doing this together. So I will be doing weekly reviews of how I’m going.

So the plan is… October Paleo and the first week of November I will be going raw!. I’m very excited. I like seeing what things are out there. Before the week of raw I will need to work out how to make humus. I think I may also be living on granola, juices and salads but that is ok.

…Thinking Thin


So.. for the past 2 weeks I have been diving my meal plate in 2 and eating 50% raw. Though my breakfasts are 100% raw – I’m just having green smoothies. I thought I might do something different today and have eggs on toast for breakfast and cooked tofu and broccoli for lunch. You might think there is nothing wrong with that and there isn’t really. However, compared to how I felt at this time (2pm) yesterday it is so different. Yesterday I was bubbly and excited and could take on the world. Today my tummy hurts and I want to go back to bed.

I think it is safe to assume my body likes raw foods.

Now of course this isn’t a great experiment, I am of course bias because my brain likes the idea of eating raw. My brain is of course doing a lot of the swaying of opinion. I think it is still valid though, there is something about the natural colourful aspects of raw food that gets me excited.

During a week in october I think I might go raw for a week and see how I go.

…Thinking Thin

I’m not eating math!

Since starting this journey I am getting into the habit of looking at the ingredients before I buy food. Recently I have come to a very important conclusion… If I need to google an ingredient or if there is numbers listed I don’t want to buy it. Why should I have to do math with my food? It is crazy that some flavouring number 321 needs to be added to food. I don’t understand! I doubt our grandparents had to worry about numbers in their food.

From now on the only counting I do when buying food will be 1 bunch of celery or 2? I’m done buying food for myself that has numbers listed in the ingredients or some weird chemical name I have to google. It is getting me a little angry that it is ok to sell chemicals that we are supposed to eat! I understand these companies need to make money… but how much money needs to be made at the expense of the health of the human race? The minute we start eating numbers is the minute we start this whole obesity crisis.

What about the numbers on the front of the packet 98% fat free. Now we are into percentages? So we have chemistry and math going into our food. Really? I did general math and I hated chemistry so why am I eating food that required a PHD to produce… I my grandma and her friends didn’t have PHD’s and they made food just fine!

Therefore in my opinion anything that requires chemistry or numbers in the ingredients is not something I want to eat.

I know I could go on and on about this but I think the anger needs to be thrown away. I just wont buy anything for myself that has numbers in it.

Woolworths – aka Supermarkets

The other day I was craving something sweet, I had this craving for about 2 hours all through lunch. I needed to go to Woolworths (big supermarket chain) so I figured I would get something there. I walked down the confectionary isle and to my surprise everything turned me off… I couldn’t help thinking “I bet all of these packets have numbers in their list of ingredients.” I remember the days when I couldn’t walk near that isle for fear of falling into temptation. This time I was craving sweets and I had been for the past few hours but I still didn’t want anything.

I was a little disappointed at the time because nothing would take away my craving. Now I am thinking what an amazing experience that was. As it turns out I went home and had a really good quality piece of grainy bread, with some really good straight from the source honey. That was exactly what I wanted. Now don’t get me wrong I know it isn’t good to give into all of your cravings, but this one wasn’t going away. Usually I crave for salty food so craving sweets really catches me off guard.

Anyway that was a really encouraging moment for me… conquering the confectionary isle!

…Thinking Thin